Friday, April 01, 2011

Calvin is throwing up

Fun....this sickness is flowing through our whole family.  I was in the wrong spot at the wrong time.  I knew it was going to happen too, because Calvin has been complaining that his tummy hurt all day and didn't have much of an appetite all day (very uncommon for him).  I picked him up to give him a hug, and he immediately started throwing up.  His tummy emptied all over the tile floor (and convenient timing...Dave had walked up the stairs just 5 seconds before I picked him up to give him a hug).  Dave saw the whole thing...I had to leave immediately to get my gross clothes off and Dave helped wipe down Calvin and clean up the puke.  Thank you Dave!  I wonder if it was a stomach bug ... since he threw up, he's acted all happy and cheerful. 

I feel indoctrinated again...this "mom" world can sure be messy and gross!


  1. Young Maria has some kids
    Barfy poopie doo
    And in this home she too was ill
    Barfy poopie doo
    Here a barf
    There a poop
    Everywhere a barf and poop
    Young Maria had has a home
    But this will pass it will.
    Mom and Dad

  2. Hahahahahahahahahhahahha!!!!!!! I am DYING here!! That poem to ol macdonald is HILARIOUS!!!!!!!!! Love it! Im guessing dad was behind that one?!
