Friday, March 11, 2011

Vanessa is changing so much

It seems like just yesterday I went to get her out of bed after a nap, and she was just sitting there.  She figured out how to get to sitting by herself.  Today when I got her out of bed a few minutes ago, she was standing up holding onto the cribrail squealing and waiting for me to get her.  She was so cute standing there, like "gimme outta here!"  She's so happy to see me, I call her my little cling-on because she prefers mom to anybody else and grips my clothes if she gets pulled away from me. :)

1 comment:

  1. Dear Maria,
    Your account of finding Venessa standing up in her crib (SUPRISE!) reminds me of the day I opened the door to your room and you were not only standing up (as expected), but had one leg over the rail...nearly straddling it...that's when I decided you would be closer to the floor in a regular bed even though you weren't even a year old yet, rather than falling out over the edge of the crib! So we got twin beds and you and RR shared a room and she moved out of the double bed in the SW corner room (Nashua) that turned into a peach-colored guest room...and there were a lot of "THUMPS" in the night after that, but at least you weren't 3 1/2 feet off the ground!
