Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Vanessa - 9 months

Vanessa got her 9 month well-baby check up on Monday of this week....a few weeks late, as I forgot to go to her other scheduled appointment the day she turned 9 months on March 2.  Oh well...
She has an ear infection in her right ear, which would explain the high fever a few days prior to her doctor visit.  Her temp was as high as 104, but went down to normal temp of 98 with in a day after taking two doses of tylenol.  I almost took her in but it didn't work out, I'm glad she is feeling better.  She doesn't seem to be bothered by her ear infection, she's still as happy as can be, smiles, eats and nurses fine, doesn't tug on her ear or anything.  She is not a huge fan of the antibiotics but I somehow get the 4 ml of solution down her throat 2 times a day.

She is now crawling quite fast all over the house.  She can crawl up stairs too - which I haven't personally seen yet, but daddy and Violet told me she did it one night when I was out of the house for a few hours kid-free.  She pulls up to stand on almost anything, walls, tables, and most of the time, it is my pant leg.  She's still not too excited to go to anybody but mom, especially if I'm in view.  She seems to do just fine if I leave her with a babysitter and I'm not around.

She is 18 lbs, 10 oz, 28 1/4" long, and head measured 18 1/4".  About 50-75% in everything.  She is wearing 12 month size clothes because of her length.

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