Sunday, August 08, 2010

Kids "moved in" together

Violet's room is now "the kids' room". We did this so Calvin's old room can be Vanessa's new place to sleep in a little while...not quite yet, but we are making the transition slow. We haven't made the switch 100% yet with clothes and toys, but Calvin now has a "big boy bed" set up in the same room as Violet now. We got him some airplane bedding and he loves it. The first night was pretty rough. He climbed out a lot, jumped on Violet's bed, and they basically played after we tucked them in. I know it was SO FUN for them so we tried to be nice and they did eventually fall asleep. Nap time was a disaster today. They didn't sleep for an hour after I laid them down and I eventually put Calvin back in his tented crib. He was NOT happy. He screamed bloody murder and got so tired he fell asleep. Tonight went much, much smoother. I asked him over and over if he was going to do better, I asked him if he was going to get out of bed (he said no), I asked him if he was going to talk (he said no), and I asked him if he was going to go to sleep (he said yes). And I only had to correct him one time tonight. They are both sleeping at the moment and I think it only took them in the ball park of 10-15 minutes to both fall asleep. I hope this works, because I want it to become routine. Violet might be done napping, I don't know...on the days she doesn't sleep, she does fine. On the day she does nap, she sleeps for 2 hours and still goes to bed at 8:30 with no trouble. Her preschool schedule might tire her out more once that starts on Aug 30. Calvin is ECSTATIC about his new bed. He was screaming and squealing when we set it up for him. He's really growing up, talking a ton more, and is on the verge of being potty trained (so I think). He tells us about 75% of the time when he has to go poop on the toilet, and gets excited when he get his prize, which is a hershey kiss. We haven't attempted to get him to use the bathroom for pee all the time yet...with the introduction of the dog in the house, its been slightly crazy. And VBS is this week, maybe once Violet is in school I can focus more on him. I think he'll do it just fine.

1 comment:

  1. I love their room together!! You must know that sharing a room with you when we were little created some of my favorite memories!!! I am happy they'll get this chance too. Thanks for sharing! I think it's adorable calvin loves his bed so much
