Thursday, February 04, 2010

Violet felt the baby kick

Tonight while I was getting Violet down for bed, I told her we could lay down together to see if we could feel the baby move after she was all ready. That was a big motivator for getting her in bed quick, so we tried to lay really still and feel any movement. I suggested the idea of trying to feel the baby move while I was reading her a story and I felt a few kicks myself thinking this might be a good awake time for baby. I knew she'd "get a kick" out of feeling some movement. So we laid down on her bed for a few minutes, she was very quiet and patient with both hands on my belly. I felt a strong kick after awhile and could visibly see my belly move. She felt the movement, and immediately gasped and snapped her head to look at me. I said "did you feel that one?!" she said "Yeahhh!!" and got really giddy. We talked about what the baby looks like. She asked if the baby was cold in there, I told her no, mommy's body was giving the baby a big hug and was keeping baby's body warm. She thought it was funny that baby wasn't wearing socks or had any clothes on. I reassured her that once the baby came out of mommy's tummy we would definitely put some clothes on her. She insisted on waiting longer to feel more kicks, but there were none very strong that she could feel. But I know she felt the first one!

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