Sunday, January 10, 2010

Dave gone this week

Its time for the quarterly sales meeting at Dave's work and he's going out there to meet his new boss and new co workers. He didn't get a different job, but someone was placed in charge of professional services (he is a project manager for professional services) to give the department more direction and develop it. So, he's looking forward to it. His new boss is a lady in her 50s or so, he has spoken to her and said he thinks they'll get along. That's good news. His flight left around noon today, and Violet was not taking the news well that he had to leave. We didn't tell her til yesterday because we knew she would get weepy and clingy. She did, and didn't handle daddy leaving all that well. He was packing, and she wouldn't stop hugging him. I had to distract her and ask for her help in preparing lunch so he could finish up packing. We made PBJs and she spread jelly and peanut butter from here to timbuktu by the time she finished. She made a huge fuss if I tried to help her so I just allowed her to be distracted, and he left with a few goodbyes, kisses and hugs. She got disciplined during lunch for whining back at me when I asked her a question so after a slap in the leg, she started crying hysterically for daddy. I have a feeling its going to be a rough week. I haven't been feeling the best. I think the worst is over though, and I'm glad it was yesterday, not today. I had some type of indigestion and couldn't function well, I was popping Rolaids every couple hours for stomach comfort and sleeping as much as I could. On Saturday (yesterday), I slept from 10:30-5:30 in the afternoon, with a few breaks in between there to do a few things. Dave took the kids to the store by himself to exchange some shower heads (we're looking for a new one for our shower, its proving to be a difficult task!) so that gave me a little quiet time to rest. Dave was itching to go out to eat last night so we made a trip out to Waterloo and had dinner at Red Lobster. He got a lobster tail, snow crab legs and shrimp, and I nibbled bites of potato soup, which I could not finish. My body was just saying "don't eat right now". I had no appetite. Kids were pretty restless while we waited for a table (the line was super long) but they kept themselves mostly busy staring at all the live lobsters in the cage. Violet was disgusted and intrigued all at the same time that daddy was eating a lobster. She asked a million questions how the lobster got killed, did it hurt the lobster that he was eating it, etc. He offered her a bite but she didn't want to try any of it, saying it was yucky. We left and by the time we got home it was 9 pm. We were in high gear getting them to bed ASAP. Mornings have been rather difficult for me lately. Calvin is always the first to wake up around 6:30 and he walks into our room and immediately says "Meow?" asking for help in finding his precious little white stuffed kitty. Dave took him back to his room and Calvin said to him "poopoo" - much to our surprise, he was actually right this time. Dave did a quick diaper change, put him back in bed, and he just kept getting up and getting up, probably 5 times. Its so hard not to get incredibly annoyed when I am just not ready to wake up. He even walked into Violet's room and woke her up, which annoyed me even more, because she was crabby and not ready to wake up. I've resorted to locking her door when they go to bed so he can't get in there. I am ready to start locking him in his room too. Or put up baby gates on his doorway or something. I just CAN'T deal with the kids climbing all over me in the morning when I'm trying to sleep. It makes for a very frustrating time and a bad start to my day. I've learned that I can not get by with less sleep than I need. Being pregnant, I am generally very tired all the time, and getting to bed too late is detrimental to my survival during the days. I fell asleep at 10 pm last night and I don't feel like it was enough sleep. Getting to bed at a decent hour is a big struggle for me since I never want the nights to end. They're so nice, quiet, and peaceful, I love night times after the kids go to bed. Dave and I some times watch movies, or stay up and watch favorite TV shows, whatever, its just a nice relaxing time for the two of us and its so easy to let 11 pm slip by and go to bed around 11:30-midnight. Not good...need to change that.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if this would work for you, but we used to put baby gates in their doorways so we could still hear them if they needed us, but they couldn't leave their rooms. We actually resorted to two, one above the other, when they started to climb it. It worked pretty well...
