Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Today is the first day I have gone without nursing Violet. I guess you could say she is weaned. I have very mixed feelings about it. I am happy because I know she weaned herself. She never fussed about not getting it nor did she seem to want it throughout the day. We had gotten down to just once in the morning only....and now we're done. I had absolutely no idea I would feel this way. I am sad too. I will miss our cuddle time very much. I am pretty sure that if I offered it to her she would take it, but my supply is so low that she would probably stop and get frustrated. She's done that couple times in the last two weeks. Thats when you know ya ain't got much left to give her! Part of me is comforted in knowing that she stopped in her own time...just over 14 months old. I am glad that it won't be a habit well into her 2's...because I read somewhere that breaking a baby of something after 15 months gets even harder. *whew!* She is very good about eating food -- which I am happy about, and she has taken well to whole milk in a straw sippy cup. She knows it is in the fridge - so if she is thirsty she will walk over to the fridge and strain for the handle, then make the sign for milk.

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