Tuesday, April 10, 2007

things are looking better

Well, Violet seems to be adjusting. She took two decent naps the last couple days. She knows the sign for milk - she makes a little straight-fingered "fist" and wiggles her fingers in and out of that position quickly when it seems she wants anything to drink, not just milk. She must be confused...but either way, I think she knows that it means sippy cup, and whatever is in it, water, milk, or diluted juice, she'll take it. She uses the sign for hungry when she is hungry, and when I feed her, she eats pretty well. I tend to forget how quickly she is developing mentally. The first year of her life it was exciting to see her gain strength and mobility, but now that she's walking/almost running, her mind is taking off so quickly. Yesterday she was walking around sucking on the straw of her sippy cup of milk. After a little while, I noticed she didn't have it anymore, so I went looking for a missing sippy cup. I searched room after room and found it nowhere. I thought I would just try ask Violet if she knew where her cup was, half expecting her to ignore me or not understand. I asked her, "Violet, where is your milk?" She put her hands up and turned her palms upward, to indicate (at least I think) that she didn't know. She made a noise along with her hand movements that sounded like "uh..uh"...I can't even explain it with letters....as if to say "I don't know!" I think its a game though, that she plays...when someone asks her where something is, she automatically "doesn't know" then acts like she doesn't know, and then goes to find it. I asked her again "Violet, where is your milk?" She walked proudly over to the garbage can, pulled on the handle to open it, and looked down into the garbage. There was the sippy cup of milk. I laughed, mostly in amazement that she understood me and answered my question....also amazed that she remembered putting it in there. I pulled it out of the garbage, which thankfully was barely full ....rinsed off the straw, and gave it back to her. Absolutely hilarious. :)

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