Thursday, April 12, 2007

learning to use a spoon

Tonight after dinner (my mom was here for the day helping me) Violet got some applesauce for "dessert". My mom tried giving her the spoon with some applesauce on it, seeing if she could get the spoon in her mouth ok. She did great! Then we tried letting her scoop out the applesauce on her own. My mom held the bowl at a comfortable angle, and at first, Violet would dip the end of the spoon in the applesauce (not scooping anything yet) and put it to her mouth, so she was understanding the bowl-to-mouth spoon thing. After a few bites, she figured out how to maneuver the spoon to scrape up the side of the bowl and get some applesauce on her spoon. She was feeding herself from a bowl with a spoon for the first time, and we got it on video too. yay for violet! She's growing up so fast. Its so fun to watch!

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