Wednesday, April 25, 2007

I just found out I'm pregnant!

Last night I tested positive, and this morning I tested positive. Woohooo!!!!! Dave and I are a little shocked about this, but we're pretty happy about it. My last period was March 15, so this could mean I'm only a couple weeks along already. My last period before getting pregnant with Violet was March the due date for this baby might be in the middle of December because her due date was Jan 6, 06. I'm just speculating at right now...but its so cool! My mind is racing because I don't FEEL pregnant, but I don't remember feeling pregnant when I found out with Violet. I was on day 41 of my cycle (way late!)...still no I tested. I was skeptical of being pregnant because my periods had been so weird and spaced apart. I just keep thinking of a baby room...needing to build Dave an office off our bedroom for another baby room (that takes our guest room out of the picture, kindof sad), money, timing...Violet will be about 2 when this baby is born. Wow! Noone knows yet. This is a private online blog so I don't think anyone is going to find out anytime soon. I want to wait until around 2 or 3 months along, maybe after my first OB appointment when they check me out and see everything is OK. My mom had 2 miscarriages, so I know this can be a real option, but I pray that it won't be. Ok, so this is my "i'm pregnant" post! Yay! Its definitely not as much of a shocker as the first baby because our lives have already changed because of Violet, but this time is more thankfulness that Violet will have a sibling and that God was willing to give us another baby. Don't get me wrong, the thought of 2 little ones running around is a little daunting, but I know God will help me! Wow...

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