Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Paddling Panthers swimming lessons 2017

Here we go for 2017!
Violet - level 6
Calvin - level 4
Vanessa - level 3
Eli - level 2


  1. When kids can play in water it adds a whole dimension to their life experiences...way to go family!

  2. I learned to swim in Albia, the lifeguard used to throw rubber heels into the water for us to retrieve. Then we saw how far we could swim under water. I finished the highest level available in RED CROSS called Water Safety Instructor. I hardly ever used this. But I did "rescue" my brother once as at youth by calling my mother to get 5 or 6 year old David out of the water above his head.
    Swimming is important as my story illustrates.


  3. Ditto to Jon's early comment. Good to keep those skills up.
