Tuesday, June 06, 2017

I hosted a dinner location (not the food!) for BBC Elders and wives

Dave unfortunately had to miss out on this progressive dinner.  The elders and wives wanted to do something special for Mark and Diane Wooderson (since they're moving in Sept) and for Gary and Barb Anderson (since he stepped down from being an elder recently).  We had a progressive dinner, which involved appetizers at Gail's house, a main dinner at my house, and desserts at Becky Anderson's.  I did not provide food, just the location.  I borrowed tables, chairs, vases, and silverware from the chapel, and got new placemats and flowers for the event.  It was 17 people in one place!  I had to move the couch towards the TV a couple feet to fit everyone in.  Kris, Marlys, and Teresa brought the food.  BBQ chicken, mashed potatoes and salad.  I provided drinks and dinner rolls/butter.  It was a fun time.  These people are so special to us and to the chapel.  We are so encouraged by the fellowship, friendship, and leadership they all provide.

Dave Wilson and Caleb Weikert attacked the dishes in no time!

Jan Dunkerton (wive of elder emeritus Doug) and Barb Anderson (new wife emeritus!)


  1. Thanks for posting this nice get together for a good cause.

  2. I'll have to respond with something other than "WOW" but you never cease to amaze me. How great your kitchen was large enough! A blessing - may the Lord reward your service.
