Saturday, September 28, 2013

Calvin's idea to set up breakfast for the family

Calvin got Violet on board to help with his idea to set up breakfast for the family on Saturday morning.

He had her write a sign....spelled like this:  It said "Mom we did are best to make it mom day. We got out evrything for you!"

They think they got up "in the middle of the night" ... but really it was closer to 6:30 or 7.  The sun hadn't peeked above the horizon yet so to them, it was nighttime.

They decided they wanted pancakes, so they put every ingredient on the counter top they could think of that went into pancakes.  A tub of flour, baking soda, baking powder, salt, non stick spray, oil, peanut butter, and syrup.  Violet put 3 eggs in a plastic bag in the fridge.  Calvin put two of the grape tomatoes that were in a little dish in the corner of the kitchen right in front of all the ingredients for me to eat because he knows I love tomatoes.  They set out plates for everyone, and found a bag of butterscotch chips and put 3 chips by each plate for a little treat.  Forks for all.

It was very sweet.  They tried their absolute best to make my morning super duper easy.  It was very sweet and thoughtful.  I made pancakes for them and they loved it!

Calvin's motivation for doing this was "to get caught doing good" ~ a concept they're doing at Waterloo Christian School.  Teachers catch students being good and send notes home to parents, and in return, we can catch our kids being good at home, write down the event on the slip of paper, and sent it back to school to share with the teacher and the rest of the class.  I wrote up a note for Calvin's teacher, Miss Smits, and sent it in his green folder so she could read it.

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