Saturday, September 22, 2012

Eli - 3 months old

Eli continues to grow and grow.  I don't know how much he weighs now but my guestimate would be 19-20 lbs.  He's such a heavy thing.  He's outgrowing all his 3 mo and 6 month clothes, starting to wear 12 month stuff.  He easily smiles at anybody who will look at him and talk to him, and he will laugh if he's tickled or played with.  He rolls both directions and seems to be wiggliest when I change his diaper.  Once I made a mistake by tending to an issue Vanessa was demanding attention with right when I finished changing Eli's diaper.  He was laying on his changing area by the laundry room sink and as I looked down, I heard a "thunk" and he was in the sink.  Oops!  He cried for 2 seconds after I picked him up then smiled.

Last night was the first night I left him alone in a crib by himself for 6+ hrs.  I fed him at 2 am and then left him in a crib in the guest room so I could sleep soundly, and it made a huge difference.  I woke up feeling rested at 8:45 am for the first time in....3 1/2 months!  Eli has never been a great sleeper at night - constantly waking up wanting to nurse, suck his paci, or just sleep in close proximity to me.  His strong leg kicking is annoying when I'm trying to sleep so the co-sleeping thing is out for good now.  He's big enough to not have to nurse at night multiple times anymore.

He still loves his paci and snuggling his blankets. :)  Oh, and being held.  He doesn't like being left along for too long.  He plays in the exersaucer sometimes, and reaches for toys above his head in the baby gym thing.  Vanessa attacks him (by smothering him with "love", lays and sits on him, so I have to watch her carefully!) so I can't leave him alone too long anyway.  He naps two or three times a day for longer naps too.


  1. Still amazing to read every word...trials and joys. No need to write every day...there's a lot to highlight as is.
    What you're doing takes a lot of energy, love, patience, industriousness, supervision, faith, etc. etc. May God richly supply you with all your motherly and personal needs!
    PS: Love those Eli smiles!

  2. Joanne would like to know if you could send that last image of Eli and Rachel and she wants to print is out.
