Monday, September 10, 2012

Beginning of September

I have not been a very good Blogger lately. The months of August and September have been super busy!  With Violet and Calvin starting school, it seems to have changed the family dynamic.  We are on a schedule!

Dave gets up at 6:45, wakes up Violet at 7am.  I wake up at 7am and help get her ready (brush hair, pack lunch), Dave gets breakfast ready and makes coffee.  He takes her to school at 7:40 am.  She is learning about sound combinations, short and long vowels, sight words, spelling lists, reading better, and more. 

Calvin has preschool 9:00-11:30 am on M, W and F with Mrs. Knapp.  He has 20 kids in his class, seems to really enjoy it and looks forward to going to school.  Drop-offs with him are quick, he hops out of the van and says bye! 

Vanessa is a crazy wild 2 yr old.  She is very social, and will attach herself to anybody who will give her undivided attention.  Kari Jo Wilson is currently her favorite to play with at church. She is beginning to talk more, but most of her words are not understandable.  She wants to pee/poo on the toilet only when she wants to, and usually sits there and does nothing.  She loves taking care of her baby dolls and pushing them around in the stroller.

Eli is so happy, he smiles a lot, sleeps a lot, and is beginning to chuckle and laugh when he is tickled.  He doesn't really sleep all that well at night, he wakes up a few times, and that makes for a tired mommy in the morning.  He is a tummy sleeper but I frequently find him in his pack and play on his back startled, like rolling himself over woke him up.

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