Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Vanessa is sick

What got me to take Vanessa to the doctor was a persistent weird diaper rash I could not get rid of.  Antifungal cream didn't help it (thought it was yeasty), desitin didn't help I made an appointment for Monday morning.  The doc said she needed an antibacterial so prescribed a stronger cream.  It zapped the rash gone in 2 days.  She also looked in her ears and discovered infected fluid in both ears.  No wonder.  She was crabby and clingly for days...I feel bad I didn't discover it earlier.  I figured it was teething or something (she has 2 top molars coming in) because she has had a runny nose for a long time.  She was also prescribed an oral antibiotic to take once a day for 10 days, which seems to already be helping a lot by day 3.  However, it causes her to poop what seems like every 60 minutes.  I could do with out that, but other than that, she seems to be much happier.  She was running around and laughing with the other kids today, something she hadn't done in a few days.  Calvin is getting quite good at making her laugh.  He crawls up to her fast and stops right at her belly and bonks her with his head, she laughs hard!  Then she runs away, watches to see if he will follow her, and when he does, she squeals again.  I'm glad she is on the mend.

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