Monday, November 28, 2011

Calvin has strange abilities to hurt himself

I have thought about posting something about this but never really knew what to say.  Fact is, Calvin has some type of amazing ability to hurt himself or get injured doing almost anything.  He isn't even clumsy, he just...somehow gets hurt doing the most simple things. 
For example:
-pulled out the wood cutting board to use as a ramp for his little race cars.  Drops the heavy corner on his foot, breaks several blood vessels and screams for 3 minutes.
-walks around the corner and somehow bonks a part of his hand on the corner creating a nice bruise, screams for awhile.
-jumps off the couch, landing nicely on 2 feet, and ends up walking away and stepping on a toy and hurting the bottom of his foot.
-sitting on a chair eating a meal and catches his foot on some common thing under the table, scraping his skin.
-fell out of bed after waking up from his nap.
-ran into the living room and somehow smacked his nose on the corner of the coffee table  (how??)
-there are so many more, I have a feeling I will be updating this post later.
- jammed his body into the container that holds the lincoln logs gets himself stuck and it hurt too much to try yank himself out, needed mommy's help to get out - was coloring while on a chair in the kitchen and lodged his foot between the slats on the back of the chair, screamed til I got up to help him free his foot. Is this just a little boy thing, or Calvin?

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