Wednesday, November 02, 2011

Calvin writing his name and the word "stop"

Calvin wrote his name on the dry erase board today.  I asked him if he could write his name, and he needed help knowing which letters to write in what order, but he didn't need help writing the actual letters.  He kept erasing his first efforts saying they weren't nice enough, and made each letter as best as he could. 

That is improvement!  He did NOT want his picture taken with his name...can you tell?

He wrote it right through Violet's drawing of the rain on some flowers.

Sometime last week he also wrote the word "stop" all by himself on the little magnadoodle.  Maybe he was subliminally telling me to stop taking pictures.  He hid behind the magnadoodle for the pic on purpose.

1 comment:

  1. That kid is amazing for age 3!!!!!!!!
