Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Vanessa - 8 1/2 months

Vanessa is a little scooter now.  She isn't crawling, but she's learned how to tuck her legs up under her body, stretch her arms out, and push with her legs and feet against the carpet to move forward.  Like an army crawl.  She scooted across the floor several feet reaching for a cardboard puzzle Calvin was playing with.  I think I'm in for it now! 
Besides babbling "mama" she squeaks and squawks, squeals in excitement and flaps her arms around when someone notices her, plays with her, or gets any type of attention.
She dislikes being left in her highchair all alone.  This happens a lot when I'm trying to get something done or I have to deal with something with the other two kids. 
Her favorite munchies are grapes cut in quarters, cheese chunks, crackers, yogurt, clementine orange pieces (skins peeled off), cheese pizza, broccoli and dry cereal.
We end up calling her "Nessie" or as Dave calls her "Nester" all the time.  Violet says Vanessa or Nessie, and Calvin says "Ba-nessee"

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