Thursday, February 03, 2011


A scenario that just took place a few moments ago.  I like having the computer in the kitchen so I can record silly things before I forget them.

Violet and Calvin just headed downstairs to play in their "kitchen".  Violet takes off down the stairs first, headed feet first on her tummy and slid the whole way down.  She says to Calvin as she rushed ahead of him to get down the stairs first "I'm first! hahaha!" so Calvin thought quickly and copied her actions...headed feet first and slid down on her tummy.  He said "I'm last! hahaha!"

I totally expected him to freak out and cry that he wasn't first...but then he decided to try make her feel bad that HE was last.  What a stinker.


  1. Love it!!!! Atta boy Calvin!! What a great kid.

  2. He's wising up fast!
