Monday, December 13, 2010

Second cereal feeding, and two firsts: a mum-mum cracker and a few cheerios

Today I tried feeding Vanessa the rice cereal again, and it went better this time.  She successfully took a few baby spoonfuls, and didn't spit any of it out.  I even gave her a Baby Mum-Mum rice cracker to munch on and she really liked that.  She likes to chew on cardboard and crinkled up paper so this little treat was right her alley.  She crunched and munched until each bite dissolved in her mouth - and soon she had finished a whole cracker and moved onto the second one.  She kept banging it against the arm rests on her high chair so it broke off in a number of places, so I kept giving her the little pieces til they were all gone.

I also let her dissolve a few plain cheerios in her mouth too, she seemed to enjoy it.

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