Saturday, December 18, 2010

Painted dining room

Dave and I get motivated by family coming, I guess...because the last major thing accomplished in this house was the completion of the little bathroom on the first floor which we finished the weekend prior to Dave's familiy coming in 2008.  Two years later...we somehow got the dining room painted.  We went with the same purple color that is on the walls in the front room where my computer is.  The color went perfectly with the watercolor painting that my grandma Row gave me so we put that on the wall too, along with a cool clock we found at Hobby Lobby.  Violet was REALLLLY excited to Dave let her help for a little bit, even though he was cringing the whole time.  There are lots of things yet to be added to the room...but at least it got painted, that was a big step, and makes the room much more inviting. 

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