Monday, December 27, 2010

Calvin turns 3 tomorrow

Calvin's birthday always sneaks up on me.  It is following two big holidays so it is easy to "forget" to plan anything special for him.  It is really fun to see him anticipating his birthday, it is really the first of his birthdays that he is excited about.  Violet keeps talking to him about being three years old, and that creates a lot of excitement for him.  He holds up three fingers and says "Three is coming!!!" 

It has been a big year for Calvin.  At this time last year, he was barely saying any words, sucking on a pacifier a lot of the time, had very short blonde hair, wearing diapers and sleeping in a crib.  He has ditched the pacifier (shortly after he turned 2), transitioned into a big boy bed, is now 100% potty trained (he is dry almost every night!), his hair grew out crazy curly and has had two significant hair cuts in the past year, he became a big brother, and speaks in full sentences.  His imagination has run wild and he enjoys playing imagination games with his big sister.  He loves airplanes, trains, dump trucks, cars, and still sleeps with his special blue blankie, "meow" (a little white kitty), and his latest obsession, his little red dump truck.  The three items can not be separated at nap and bed time or he can't go to sleep.  He is beginning to pronounce words more clearly saying "drink" instead of "dink".  He can verbally communicate almost everything he is feeling and is also able to explain to us what is wrong if he is hurting or was upset by something that Violet did.  This is especially helpful if she is being sneaky and he tells us what REALLY happened behind our backs.  He doesn't say words that start with the letter "S" or "V"...he says "weeb" for "sleeve" and "Biolet" for "Violet", and "Calgin" for his name.

He is super ticklish.  I can almost always turn a sour mood around just by tickling him til he is laughing like crazy.  He loves watching Little Einstein videos, playing with playdoh, throwing balls, driving his trains on the train track set, and building tall towers with his megabloks. 

He has the best smile, two adorable dimples in his left cheek when he grins really big, can run really fast, can land on his feet after jumping off anything, and is very snuggly and loving.  He has to give us so many kisses and hugs at night it is irrestitable to say no to him.  I am working on getting him to get out of his bed after his naps and bed time on his own to go to the bathroom, so if he does, he expects a treat.  He woke up from his nap today and came down to the basement where Dave and I were working on something, and he gave me a huuuge hug and said "I want some chocolate for that." hahaha!!  I gave him 3 chocolate chips.  Sure beats him screaming until someone retrieves him from his bedroom.  He still takes a nap every day, from 2 pm to about 3:30.  He has gone a few days with out a nap but its not pretty.  In the morning when he gets out of bed, he walks into our room and says "Can I wake up now?" and if we say yes, he goes downstairs and plays by himself.  Once we go downstairs, he says "I'm weawwy, weawwy hungee." (I'm really really hungry.)  He still loves to eat a big bowl of oatmeal for any meal, and his favorite cold cereal option is Cinnamon Toast Crunch (which he refers to as "Tinnmin Kunk").  The first big snowfall he says "Dere is a whole bunk of 'noe out-tide!"  He calls his little sister "Buh-neh-tah!"

When I asked him what kind of cake he wanted, he requested a blue cake with blue frosting, so I'll do my best to create exactly the cake he wants (should be pretty easy with a white cake mix and blue food coloring!).  Violet thinks he is going to be taller in the morning when he wakes up. :)  It just dawned on me that he needs his 3 yr doctor check-up.  I guess I'll schedule that tomorrow!
Here is a pic of Calvin a couple days ago when his cousins were visiting - this pic is of him and Emma (age 11).

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