Sunday, November 28, 2010

Vanessa's first bath in the big kid's tub

Daddy was getting the kiddos ready for a bath last night and started filling the bath water.  I decided to strip down Vanessa and give her a bath in the big tub.  She hated it, however, and screamed the whole time.  I can't wait til she is big enough to sit up on her own in the tub.  It made for a quick bath though.  The older two got a big kick out of seeing their baby sister in THEIR tub! :)


  1. She's just frightened...understandable.
    Keep giving her time in the water until she realizes she's safe...might take 10 more times though!

  2. It reminds of having the pre-schoolers up on the high beam for the first time...they're super scared and cry (some of them) and after 5-6 months they can go across by themselves...a little bit at a time never give up. Little at a time.
