Monday, November 08, 2010

Long stretch with out daddy

Its been a very different and busy stretch of days with out daddy around.  Last week (Sun through Fri) he was in Chicago taking his PMP certification (project management professional).  It was a tough and intense week for him.  He studied hard each night and took the test on Friday, and passed.  I am so proud of him!  He is glad it is over too, and it is a big step in the right direction for his professional career.  Calix also has an annual User Group Conference that his company hosts for all their customers (there are hundreds of customers, over 1000 people attending)...and the conference was scheduled for this past Saturday and all through this week in Las Vegas.  He decided not to attend the entire conference, but just be there for the time he was required to be part of the project management team representing their services to the customers for a few days.  He came home on Friday night, and left Saturday at noon.  He will return Wednesday afternoon. 

Violet and I created a paper chain to represent how long he was going to be gone, using orange for the days he would be gone, and blue for the days he would be here.  She really enjoys ripping off one chain each night before bed and counting how many more days until daddy comes home.  She talks to him when she can on the phone, and we try connect before bed so they can talk about their days together.  She says she CAN'T go to bed with out daddy praying.  Once we weren't able to get a hold of him but for the most part, she has done great.  Calvin knows daddy isn't here, but his only question is "Daddy, are you coming back?" and isn't into counting days like Violet. 

Friday night when he got home, we ordered pizza and had a nice night together as a family.  The kids enjoyed every minute with him.  Saturday morning I was tied up hosting a baby shower at the chapel, so I had a babysitter come and watch the kids there while the shower was going on ~ as Dave had to take off again before noon. 

I have had some amazing help while Dave has been gone.  My mom came to stay with me for 2 1/2 days last week, and my brother Jay came up to stay with me on Saturday night.  He is a fantastic uncle!!  He went right along with the kids' imaginary role play games, and entertained them for me Saturday night and helped me keep them in line while sitting in meeting Sunday morning.  I wouldn't have gone with the 3 kids myself, so I'm so glad he was there.

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