Monday, November 22, 2010

A full night's sleep does wonders for mom

Well, Vanessa got the boot.  She is almost 6 months old, and time to stop eating from mama at night.  I was getting pretty tired and exhausted from waking up with her 3 times each night to feed her and get her back to sleep.  I set up the crib that we are borrowing from a friend in the guest room - put dark towels and sheets over the windows so it is nice and dark in there, turned on a fan, and put Vanessa in bed in a comfortable crib (with a cozy flannet sheet! using Calvin's bedding. :D ) two nights ago.  I KNEW she was going to wake up but also knew she did NOT need to eat at night.  She eats plenty during the day and needs to learn to get herself back to sleep.  Dave did wake up in the middle of the night to put Violet back in her bed and let the dog out, and he told me he did hear her crying, but we both agreed it was time to let her cry-it-out.  I slept a solid 7 hours and it was amazing.  I was in complete dreamland for the entire time...I dreampt about so many things, and now 2 days later I couldn't even name 1/3 of what went through my brain but I know it involved diving, shopping, and flying in an airplane.  My milk supply was good and ready by the time 7 am rolled around so I got her out of bed and fed her.  Last night she slept in the crib also, I know she woke up a few times, but it didn't wake me up.  I was in dreamland again for the 2nd time in who knows how long.  I honestly don't think I have had a dream since before she was born.  I like to think she is much more comfortable in the crib too, because before she was in a pack and play in my closet, not the most comfortable thing compared to a softer crib mattress.  She's also able to roll around every direction and scoot herself to a comfy position.  Before she would flip over to her back and get stuck there but now she can roll back over and sleep comfortably on her tummy.
Anyway...I don't know if this will end her night wakings, but either way...its not affecting me so that is O.K. with me!


  1. She is probably just about ready for baby food!! That will help keep the tummy from rumbling in the night too.

  2. Wise move.
    It will take a bit of time of course, as all things do when there's a change, but Vanessa will adjust and sleep better in the near future knowing she doesn't have to "make sure" you're always there. Small steps.
    It's important to be consistent. If you do check up on her in the night, reassure her you love her (a kind voice and soft touch but that's it) and keep it short, no need to repeat, and don't pick her up...the self-will in our nature isn't going to give up she might protest, but you are in control as you must be.
    Sleep well!
