Friday, June 11, 2010

Weight check for Vanessa

I had my 1 week PPD check up - and I opted to see the midwife Sandy who had taken care of me during my previous two pregnancies. She was more than happy to do my check for me so I didn't have to drive to IA City. We went over the birth story with her. She was so happy for me that I got to experience almost the full experience of labor and delivery, and knows that she could not have allowed me that opportunity. She removed the steri-strips from my incision, said everything looked really good and is healing well. Dave and all 3 kids came along with me for the appointment so we really packed that little exam room. She asked us what our plans would be for baby #4!! Um...we both really didn't even know what to say. Dave is considering the possibility of trying for a vaginal delivery again IF, and IF we have another baby, but really, neither of us can really think much about it. Dave would LOVE to have another baby, especially if we could have another boy for a brother for Calvin, but I'm not exactly sure I can think that far ahead. I asked the office if I could use their baby scale to weigh Vanessa and check if she had gained in the last week. They said I could use their scale ~ a nurse helped me weigh her and she has successfully passed her birth weight of 10 lbs 3 oz...she is now 10 lbs 11 oz! So that is great. I know she would be doing well...she has been a little eating and pooping machine since my milk fully came in on Sunday. Yay!

1 comment:

  1. yay for my little eating and pooping machine!!!! LOL!!! I am glad you got to see Sandy again. Dave might watch out what he wishes for.... what if it's another GIRL!! LOL! then he'll really be out numbered.
