Friday, June 18, 2010

A little scare

Its a good thing God is watching over our kids when we can't keep our eyes on them all the time. A couple days ago I was in the kitchen loading the dishwasher. Dave was reading a story to Violet in the recliner in the living room. Vanessa was on the couch, had started fussing a little, so Calvin thought he would be a big helper. A few moments later, I hear Calvin behind me in the kitchen saying "Here mom!" and I turn around to find him holding Vanessa with all his might. He carried her over to me from the couch in the living room to the kitchen, across the hard tile floor!!! My immediate reaction was to freak out but I tried to shove that reaction far away...and knelt down very quickly and took Vanessa from his grip and let out a huge sigh of relief. I told him thanks for helping, but please do not pick up the baby by yourself!! He hasn't done it since, but wow. If he had dropped her on the way it could have been really bad. Little guy was just trying to help! He brought the fussy baby to her mommy. :) But whoa! Dave was shocked too, he isn't really sure how he missed that whole scene, since it happened right in front of him.


  1. Calvin's strength is amazing too. That is a 30 pound kid (didn't you have his weighed the other day?) carrying a 10 pound baby! A little Samson!

  2. Today I am reading a book called the Greater Inheritance by Mary Schrock about her Amish childhood and she tells about the first time she saw boxed cereal - Cheerios! It was a special treat! This is in Amish country where they did everything from scratch. The Cheerios was special travel gift from the mother when they moved. I picture Calvin eating Cheerios last Sunday morning. Yum.

  3. awww Calvi was trying to be so helpful!! and yet so innocent to the danger he posed to Vanessa. Yes, God is watching over your children, thank the Lord! I am amazed at his strength too, especially when dad put it that way. wow! He has always been a "solid" kid.

  4. that's very scary! Thank the Lord for protecting them for sure!! That's very impressive for Calvin... was her carrying her properly? Yeesh. Gives me the willies.
