Saturday, June 26, 2010

Vanessa is 3 weeks old

It was actually three days ago, but that's ok...I'm feeling quite behind on almost everything lately! Vanessa is still a great little baby and mostly calm if all her needs are met. She loves to be held and snuggled close. She's started the "night time" fussiness, which was typical of all my kids. The hours between 6 and 9 pm she nurses like crazy (cluster feeding) and isn't really happy until she knocks out for bed around 10 pm. Makes for a difficult time getting supper on the table and the older two kids in bed...but if Dave is home and available to help, he is a huge help getting them taken care of. Vanessa is getting much stronger. She is lifting up her head much more and gaining more control, and has more awake time during the day. She still naps a lot but her awake time is longer and she seems to be focusing on faces and objects more. The baby acne that developed around 2 weeks of age is slowly fading and her complexion is clearing up. Violet and Calvin still are interested in everything "baby". They still take turns holding her (Calvin needs constant supervision, I trust Violet more with Vanessa but still not 100%) and snuggling with her. They like to stick their faces right in her face when she's swinging in her swing. She continues to sleep right through the loud chaos the older kids create in the house when she takes naps...I wonder how long that will last. Vanessa's nights are still hit-and-miss with long stretches of sleep. She is awake at least twice during the night time to eat or poop. It is absolutely necessary that she gets burped after each feeding ~ she belches 99.9% of the time after each nursing session. Including night time. What I end up doing is nursing her while laying down, then putting her body across my stomach and patting her back with my hand as I lay down waiting for that burp so I can put her back down to sleep in the middle of the night. The burp always comes, and its always a big one. Not a drop of spit up, just a big ol' burp. I can't imagine leaving such a huge air bubble in her stomach ~ and if I forget to burp her, she definitely lets me know with lots of uncomfortable crying after a feeding!

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