Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Conversations with Calvin

Violet has established a regular and consistent way to communicate with Calvin. She knows to always ask him yes/no questions, and she knows he'll always say "yeah". But if she asks him where his pacifier is, he'll put his hands up and shrug his shoulders, and say a form of "I don't know" that I don't know how to type. Its like "I-duh-hah-dah" or something like that. Tonight when I was putting him to bed, he was rocking with me, and took his paci out of his mouth and threw it on the floor. I don't have a clue where it went. He got down and searched around for it, eventually ending up on his tummy. From his perspective, he could see more than me. He suddenly said "Hee-ih-ih!" for "here it is!" and sure enough, he found a paci under his crib. It wasn't the same one he dropped, but nonetheless, he still found one and announced that he found it. He's too cute. He is still terrified of loud trucks outside. If he hears a CFU truck, a garbage truck, a lawn care truck, or any type of loud thing on the street he freaks out and screams for me to pick him up. He is still really interested in what is going on though, so I have to hold him so he can see what is driving by. As whatever it is passes by, he enthusiastically waves bye bye and says "bye bye dah-dah!" That is always what he says when he is saying goodbye to something...it always has "dah-dah" on the end. I know he knows it isn't daddy he is saying goodbye to, but I think he's programmed to say "bye bye daddy" because every morning after we all have breakfast, Dave goes downstairs to his office, and as the door closes and he walks down the steps, him and Violet have a yelling contest to see who can say bye bye the loudest. She is yelling "bye bye daddy!" at the top of her lungs and he just joins right in with the yelling. I might as well record them now, since I'm thinking about it. Things Calvin can say: Hi Bye bye daddy mom momma Ah-dah (all done) Uh oh Mah (milk or more, I can never tell the difference) I don't know (but this is in his babble form) Hee-ih-ih (here it is) I loh-ooh (I love you, only said when I say it to him) dah (dog) wuh-wuh (woof woof) nana (banana)

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