Monday, September 08, 2008

nothing special really, just rambling

I made a fruit pizza for the Hemmers yesterday. Little Evan busted his tooth on a brick wall and he had to go to the doctor and get it removed. I felt so bad for him and Selena. She was a pregnant nervous emotional wreck! She took him in today to get it removed and she said she felt wrapped in prayer and got through the day. I took him a fruit pizza because I know how much that little guy likes fruit. He's so crazy and silly. Violet listens to every single word I say. I don't even realize it! I called Trisha this morning to see how things were going with her and she said she was having trouble with her breast pump working. I remember saying "oh no! Do you have those little white flaps on the valve inside the bottle?" or something like that. About an hour later after that conversation was long over, Violet picks up her little toy phone, puts it up to her ear, and says "oh no! Have white little faps?" and then went on to say something like "Whats wrong? will take your ban-naid off. Tank you. Otay." I was shocked she remembered! Good grief! Today was a hard day. We didn't leave the house. I think that was the problem. Dave is in California all week and I have the kids alone all week. I was majorly dreading this week because I am very prone to being short and snappy with Violet when I'm stressed. She knows how to push my buttons, too. I hate leaving the house with both kids because its so much work getting them both in and out of the car and going somewhere in that very short little window of time where neither of them are tired or hungry, so its just easier not to go anywhere. But when we get stuck in this little rental house all day we drive each other NUTS. The kids don't have anywhere to go but be around me 24/7. Violet is constantly demanding that I play with her, color with her, read with her. I do those things but get insanely bored and impatient. Horrible of me, I know...but I just need me time, me space to just relax. No such thing when you're a single parent for a week. She misses her daddy something fierce. She keeps asking about him, wondering when he's coming back. We were on the phone with Dave when she was going to bed. She was talking to him on the phone, and said to him "Daddy, can you hold on for a minute. I want to look at mommy's owie on her foot." LOL!! So she gave the phone to me and wanted to see how my foot was healing from the wart that was removed last month. Yes, its still healing. So then she got the phone back. She remembers that he flew away on a red airplane and that Dave is in California. She said "Californyyyyah"? She always points out the obvious to whoever she's on the phone with. "There's mommy, and here is Violet, and there is Calvin."

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