Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Update on Violet - 19 mo - and I am about 6 months pregnant!

Its been awhile since I posted. Violet is now a full-blown toddler! She's running around everywhere and climbing up on everything. She is talking so much more now. I'm going to try remember everything she can say: mama dada gaga up ice Abby Baba - blanket gara (garage) poon (spoon) obo (oatmeal) hah-dah (hot dog) wawa (water) muh (milk) bah (ball) poopoo car buh-um (button) fan hat bub-bye! luh-oo (luv you) hungry hi buh (book) caca (cracker) uh oh dog cat puh-puh-puh (porcupine) - her current favorite animal in the animal book papa (sometimes for grandpa) ba-room (bathroom) ba (bath) cup shoe some form of the word "diaper" Ah-AH (all done) duck stuck liy (light) muh-muh-muh (more more more!) -- which usually means "I need help with something!" paypah - paper joos (juice) peees (please) teeth gah-ih (got it) some form of "noodle" - it usually sounds like "goo-gah" cheese owie eyes arm hand boah (boat) something for "train" - not sure I could even use letters to make the sound she makes! gaga = banana hah! hah! = hot bihr = bird mmmmMMAAHHH = a kiss nih nih = night night I'm sure I forgot some....but thats the majority I think. I think I'm going to stop keeping track!! That was hard! She loves the jack-in-the-box that Grandma Jo got her. She winds the knob to play the song herself, but she holds the top that pops up down so it doesn't scare her in the middle of the song. She knows exactly when its going to pop up and she even slows down when its about to! It took her awhile to get used to it. She was scared at first, but she's slowly warmed up to it. She likes to drag things around the house too. She has formed an attachment to her little yellow pillow and her two blankets. The pink one and the purple one. She can't sleep without them, it seems. When its time for naptime or bedtime, she says "baba! papa!" for her blanket and pillow. When she does get them, the pillow gets a big hug. She fights to shove the whole pillow under her belly, then watches carefully as we lay BOTH (not one or the other) blankets on top of her. Then the fan gets turned on, and she goes to sleep after kicking her leg repeatedly for awhile. The napping thing is a little confusing. She is always so exhausted at 10 am and thats her normal nap time, but she goes down for a nap and doesn't sleep, and if she does, its for 15 min and she's up whining. So, I'm going to try push that nap back to after lunch, then maybe she'd sleep longer. She is eating almost everything we eat now. I don't fix her any special meals. She likes meat! She'll munch on pieces of chicken, pork, beef, and ham. She still likes chunks of cheese and a pile of pinto beans. The other night I got her to eat a big bowl of broccoli with cheese on it. She loved it! She must have been really hungry. She's not as whiney and clingy for my time. She is venturing off to play with toys on her own more. It gives me a little rest time as right now I'm 6 months pregnant and rest is much needed. I consider Violet 100% poopy-trained. She'll usually tell me if she has to go poopie, and we go take care of business on the toilet. I don't know when I'll start with the pee. I might get ambitious and get her trained before this baby comes...who knows. It is nice not having to change poopy diapers! She sleeps from 7:30-8:00 pm (bedtime) to around 8:00 am. I love that she doesn't get me up at 6 am like some of my friends' kids do. My mom taught her how to get a strap of a purse over her shoulder. Now all she wants to do with something with a strap is put it over her shoulder. So, she's been dragging her black diaper bag around on her shoulder all day. Then a toy with a string on it, then a little green bag with straps...anything. Dave says "oh no! she looks like a 'little girl' way too soon already!" I'm nervous about how she'll do with the new baby. She gets really jealous if I pay attention to other kids or hold other babies. So far, this pregnancy has been going great!! I only got a slight rash on my belly that lasted about a week. I haven't been sick, I've been eating well, and the baby is very healthy. I thank God so much for no problems. I've kept my weight down this pregnancy...managed better this time around. I have gained about 20 lbs so far. I gained over 50+ with Violet. Thankfully though, I lost all the weight before getting pregnant again, so my starting weight was 170, a weight I'm happy with. I'm trying to stay under 200 with this baby. We need to decide on names!! We're still tossing some around. Definitely not decided though.

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