Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Well, its been a month since writing anything here. I should at least put on here a belly shot!! With baby #2...we are keeping the gender a surprise again. I am 22 or 23 weeks along now. I have already had my 20 week ultrasound and everything looks perfect. What a blessing! I just hope I go into labor on my own this time so I avoid a c-section again. Either way, the goal is to have a healthy mom and baby, no matter how he or she comes out.
Violet is crazy. That's the only word I can come up with to describe her. Her hair is wild and curly, and her personality is shining. She loves to giggle. She likes finding little things that "surprise" me so I react when she surprises me. Her giggle is sounding so much more adult like. She is running everywhere and climbs up on everything. I tried writing down everything she says, so I'll try again and hopefully I won't miss anything.
mama, gaga (dada), ca = cat, ga = dog, bir = bird, obo = oatmeal, mah - milk, wawa - water, up, heh = help, uh oh, poopoo, ba = bath, baba = blanket, baba/paba = pillow, papa = grandpa, puhpuhpuh = porcupine, byebye, bah = book, luh-oo = love you, mah-mah = more, muh = milk, Abuh = Abby, hah = hot, baby, tee = teeth, cheese, hot dog
28 words that she uses consistently! That's pretty impressive I think for her age. The pediatrician said at her 18 mo check up that 5-15 words is normal for kids her age.
I got her to eat broccoli smothered in cheese last night. She wanted bite after bite!
She loves having phone conversations. She will bring me a play phone and want me to have a conversation with someone, then say "bye bye!". She gets a kick out of it! Also, when I talk to Dave on the phone, she'll run over and say "gaga gaga!" then have a "conversation" with him...which always turns out to be him asking her to say things. He'll say "bye bye!" and she'll repeat with an enthusiastic "bye BYYYYE" in a high pitched voice so I know when they're done "talking.". She gave the phone a big kiss saying "mmmmmmmmMMAAAAAAA".
She's totally poopy-trained I think. If she has to go, she'll tell me "poopie" and if I set her on the toilet when she says that, she'll go poopie. I think that's amazing!
She has 12 teeth. 27 lbs, 33 1/4" tall.

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