Thursday, January 18, 2007

She's walking all over the place now!

Its been a long time since I've written much on this blog. I don't feel like messing with the font or size, because today I'm sick, achey, and stuffed up. Violet has changed SO much. I know all parents say that about their kids and it sounds chiché but its so true. Violet has gone from a crawler to a walker for good now. She cruised along furniture for a long time but within a couple weeks she just took off and is now walking from room to room and carrying things with her. I'm not used to finding a toy relocated, but I guess I'll have to get used to it! She will be 1 on Saturday. A full 12 months has passed since we came home from the hospital, and it feels like last week, I swear. She is 23 lbs and around 31" tall...though the height is a guess and the weight might be a 1/2 lb off since we sit her down on our scale and it rounds up or down a 1/2 lb. She growls a lot. She sees a stuffed animal, she growls at it. She growls at Abby, our dog...but she stopped saying Abby, I'm not sure why. She boldly says "BA BA BA" and occasionally mutters a "mama mama" here and there. That's about it. Her "new" thing...and these "things" last maybe a few days or weeks then fade away, is laughing at everything she does. She'll grab a toy cup and bang it together with something else, laugh to herself, and look at us to see if we were watching, then laugh again. We are having a small party for her on her birthday here at our house. We ordered some cute invitations online but they haven't arrived yet...which makes me upset. But...only my parents, Rachel, Jay, Molly, Nathan, Marisa and Devin are coming. I hope she likes her first cupcake! I'm sure she'll figure out how to do this sooner or later, but she can't yet stand up on her own in the middle of the floor without something to pull on. She will use anything...someone's pant leg, the cabinets, or a chair to stand up with, then she'll take off walking, and she'll even stop walking, bend over to pick up something and stand right back up, so I know she could do it, but I think its just a matter of figuring out how to do it herself. She LOVES the bathtub -- even more than she used to I think. She goes right up to the tub and starts squealing and screaming before I even get water in the tub. She is increasing in her agility and ability to move around, slide across the bottom of the tub, stand up in the tub and move around...basically everything she needs to start being a toddler, not a baby! Its amazing to me. :) Right now here's her "schedule" .... give or take a 1/2 hour with naptimes. She's mixing things up lately. 8:00 wake up, nurse with me in bed (Dave usually brings her up to me so I don't have to get out of bed!) 8:30 breakfast of some kind, usually toast or cereal 9:00-11:00 playtime 11:00 nurse, naptime until 1:00 1:00 lunch 2:00-4:00 playtime, small snack 4:00-5:00 nurse, nap (this one is getting very short!!) 5:30 eat dinner, play around until 7:30, take bath, 8:30 nurse, bedtime
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