Thursday, January 18, 2007

brush those teeth!

My sis...Violet's favorite Aunt Rachel is going to be starting orthodontic school this summer. She's moving to Oklahoma! She came to visit Monday and showed us the proper way to hold Violet while I brush her teeth. As you can see in the pic, she's pinned down and held in place! She has 5 teeth (2 lower centrals, 2 upper centrals and 1 lateral) and her 6th tooth, the other lateral, is coming in right now. She sucks on her upper lip a lot to relieve the pressure. She isn't really crazy about getting her teeth brushed, but she tolerates it. She has her first dentist appointment with the "doc" her Grandpa Jon on Friday the 19th. The 2nd pic here shows how she just loves to stick her fingers in holes. She is sticking her fingers through the little plastic hook holes that the shoulder straps hook onto. They weren't hooked in this pic, so she found them and kept her little fingers there until mealtime was over. The last pic is Violet ripping magazine pages to shreds. She grabs the magazine paper with two hands and pulls hard with all her might! The piece that ends up in her right hand she chucks behind her, and she continues to grab the remaining piece left in her left hand with both hands and tries again to pull it apart. Sometimes she doesn't get it to rip, and she tries again. If it doesn't rip by the 3rd try, she chucks the whole page behind her and grabs for something else. I know she loves doing it, so I start a tiny little tear for her and it makes for a big RIIPPPP making her face break into a big crazy smile. It must be satisfying to her or something.
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