Thursday, June 02, 2016

Vanessa's 6th Birthday

Vanessa began the day by waking up to purple, red, and blue streamers on her doorway (at her request...those are "Ariel the mermaid" colors!

Breakfast of cinnamon rolls, bacon, and bluberries - her request!

First gift from daddy - THE MOVIE The Little Mermaid in 3D - then, of course,we had to watch it!

Rachel was heading out of town for an ortho event so she popped in to visit, say hi, and wish Vanessa a happy birthday over her lunch break.  Mints! And her own date card! An adorable elephant balloon! Flowers! Aunt Rachel is the best!

"mermaid noodles" for lunch - bowties with cheese 'n butter.

A trip to the library with Mama Row as a family - and a beautiful walk up and down Main Street in the sun

For dinner she requested "that chicken you dip in that sauce", so we grilled BBQ chicken, mama row made cheese grits and a salad, we roasted some carrots, and served coleslaw on the side.  

$6 from Grandma Martha!  Other gifts were princess dolls with clip dresses, peanut M&Ms from Eli, a dress from mom n' dad, a kite, an Ariel watch, and a book from Mama Row with phrases that match in spanish/english.

No cake for this girl - right now she says she doesn't like cake, and preferred a vanilla ice cream sundae with oreo chunks and sprinkles!  We stuck 6 candles right in the ice cream.

posing in her new dress

We love you sweet girl!

1 comment:

  1. A nice post to remember the day, thanks for posting this
