Thursday, June 23, 2016

"Black crackers"

Eli: "Mom, can I have one of those black crackers?"
Me: *confused*
Eli: "Can I have one of those black crackers?"
Me: *remembering!* "Oh! You mean oreos?"
Eli: "Yes. I'll just have one.  I prooooooooomise!"

We bought a pack of Oreos, which in this house, happens once every few years.  I am saving them for treats for this coming weekend when we spend time with the Davis family at their lake cabin.

Last night during dinner he also closed his eyes and said, "Dad, can you see my skin eyes?"

4 is so funny.

Editing to add one on 6/29/2016:

I was holding up Eli with my arms above my head and moving him up and down while we waited for the older kids to finish their gymnastics lesson.  I brought him above my head, lowered him behind my head, and brought him up.  While he came up he said, "Mom! You're dipping me in your brains!!!"

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing those with us Maria!
    Those kids' comments, thoughts & questions are so precious!
