Sunday, February 15, 2015

Eli potty training update

I can't believe three weeks has almost passed since the first day I decided to potty train Eli.  It was kinda on a whim that day that I decided it was just time.  I'd purchased a box of pullups and the purchase was kind of the time my mind had committed to the idea.  Anyway, he caught on like a champ.  It must have been a "sweet spot" for Eli.  Well, and M&Ms always help. haha!  He uses the toilet and points up at the jar of M&Ms on the shelf above the toilet and says "prizes!"

I just kept taking him regularly and when he started telling me he had to go is when I realized he was catching on.  I'm stopping taking him so frequently and learning how long he can hold things.  I used to put him in pull ups for car rides and naps but since we started he's woken up from his naps with a dry pull up and can handle car rides for at least an hour.

He's a total ham on the toilet.  He sits down to do everything and talks about his "stinkies" and how they're "little babies" and things... (comparing sizes).  Yeah.  And he likes flushing.

He uses the potty all places.  Restaurants, church, other people's houses, and I'm so glad to be on the other side of this.  Who enjoys potty training, really...  I think I'd rather eat a plate of mushrooms.

He still wears a diaper to bed but I call them his nighttime undies.  And speaking of undies, I really need to get him his own underwear.  He's wearing trainers and they're a little thick.  Time to switch!  I've even listed ALL my cloth diapers and accessories on an online site for that thing and I've sold half of what I've listed already.

I can only guess his quality of life is better!  I'm LOVING it!  His little personality is blooming right now and he's such a little happy thing that enamors all our family members.  That is, when he's not destroying everything in his reach.  :P

** Ohhh and there's one more thing I think I need to record about this little cutie.  He likes to be a puppy.  Pretend he is one, that is.  And his only requirement to pretend he's a puppy is to take off his clothes.  He says, with much angst, "I wanna be a puppy!" trying to lift his shift off.  And then he says "mew! mew!"

More stuff:

-He calls zippers "yups".  hahaaa!!
-likes to put ants in the toilet and poop on them
-calls TP "paper toilet"
-pretends to hold a perplexus in his hands and tip it side to side saying, "I have a perplexus!"
-picks up the kid's perplexus puzzles and can roll the ball around for a few steps

1 comment:

  1. Thanks again for writing about his personality
