Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Eli - first time eating with spoon

This may be a common theme in my writings with the kids when they get to this stage.  I don't really like it.  Feeding themselves with a spoon...ugh...the feelings make me cringe.  Food spilled, oatmeal in crevices I never knew about.  But it has to happen.  Sure, he's been "feeding himself" with finger foods like noodles and raisins for awhile now, but using utensils, that's a new thing.  I let him eat banana chunks I put on a fork for him a few days ago which he liked, but he didn't poke them himself - I'll work on that part later.  Spoon for now!

Last night I made peas and macaroni and cheese for the kids.  I put a bowl in front of him and let him hold a spoon.  I put a bib on him (he never wears bibs..not sure why...the other kids all wore them until they were 3.  I guess I never bother with it anymore).  I let him scoop a bite of noodles with my assistance directing which way to scoop and which way to put it his mouth.  He then tried on his own.  Scooped like a pro, got it his mouth like I showed him, and he went on to take a few more bites until almost all the noodles were gone.  I guess I underestimated my little guy.  Violet said, "Well mom! That sure makes YOUR life easier!" haa!

1 comment:

  1. Violet learned to eat the oatmeal (with a spoon) that dropped into the bib. Those are great bibs; scoopable and washable You kids had to use terry cloth!
    This messy phase will soon pass, and it will thankfully be the LAST time you'll have to deal with the mess of their learning to eat on their own! It will get better!
