Monday, February 10, 2014

Eli climbed out of his crib and some new words

Calvin woke me up the morning it happened.  Eli apparently got out of his crib and took off out of the room and started going downstairs.  He managed to keep his blanket and paci with him.  It was 7:25 am!

Good thing I kept the crib tent from when Calvin was an adventurous toddler.  He climbed out much earlier and the crib tent saved my mommy-life.  Eli is now bound to his bed. :)  He seems to like it.  He giggles when he goes to bed now.

I keep thinking I should go to the most recent post about Eli and add to the words he is saying now but the time frame wouldn't be accurate.  He started saying, "oh wow" and "caca!" for his truck.  I'm not sure how that happened. But when I got him out of bed this morning he was yelling "caca!" and only wanted a little tan truck he likes to play with.

He constantly says "mom! mom! mom!" and it reminds me of this!


  1. Great writing and post

  2. That crib tent is a great invention!
