Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Calvin thinks he can feel himself grow on birthdays

Yesterday while driving home from school, out of the blue, Calvin says, "Mom, when its my next birthday, I am going to sleep with my hand on my head so I can feel myself grow bigger."  :)

Saturday, February 22, 2014

Calvin told us he prayed to receive Jesus as his Savior

Yesterday I was dealing with a situation with Calvin and discipline.  I had to separate him from the rest of the kids for awhile because of his behavior, and Dave was talking to him while he was separated from the group.  I don't even remember what the offense was.

Dave was explaining to Calvin that once someone receives the gift of salvation he also has the power of the Spirit with in the person to help make better choices.

Calvin then told Dave that "sometime after Christmas" he prayed in his sunday school class to ask Jesus to be his Savior.  He explained that the lesson he was taught was about the reality of hell and how God provided Jesus as a gift to take our sins away so we don't have to go there.  He said he squirmed and was uncomfortable thinking about hell and decided to ask Jesus to be his Savior.  He said he did it quietly and didn't tell his teacher about it either.  He didn't tell us either.  So I'm not really sure when it happened, but I could ask his SS teacher, Doriece.  She said she soberly teaches that lesson every year to the 5 and 6 yr olds and knows its a powerful one, not really one that is lighthearted and happy to hear about, but also very important.  I'm thankful for her dedication in teaching as she's done for years.

Calvin was serious in explaining his decision.  I told him angels in heaven celebrated and had a party for him because he accepted Jesus' gift of salvation.  He said, "really? A party? just for ME!?" :)

Calvin is a thoughtful boy who really loves to please.  If he knows someone has a favorite thing he'll go out of his way to find a way to please that person. I'm often the recipient of such gifts.  He knows I love chocolate. He opened a box of his valentine candy that was 5 chocolates last night (I was not home at the time)...gave a piece to everyone in the family, and saved one piece of chocolate for me.  He was so excited to run to my bedroom this morning and tell me about it and give that one saved piece of chocolate.  What a sweetie.

Another little lesson Calvin picked up a few weeks ago was that you can't ask for a gift back.  When you give a gift, you can no longer have it back.  He gave Violet some money from his jar and later asked for it back, and when she said no, he got very upset.
Dave illustrated the lesson and said "well, then I'm going to ask for your Christmas presents back."  and he realized that since we had given them to him, we can't ask for them back.

He had an overnight date with Aunt Rachel and asked him about things in her house.  One thing in the guest room where he slept was a decor item and he asked her where she got it.  She told him someone gave it to her as a gift.  He said, "then they can't ask for it back, it belongs to you now!"

Monday, February 10, 2014

oh Vanessa. "Squishy" does not have three syllables

Vanessa ran up to me and used both hands to push on me from behind.  I was filling up a glass of water at the refrigerator at the time and she says, "Mom! Your butt is Skuh-WOOSH-eee!"

Eli climbed out of his crib and some new words

Calvin woke me up the morning it happened.  Eli apparently got out of his crib and took off out of the room and started going downstairs.  He managed to keep his blanket and paci with him.  It was 7:25 am!

Good thing I kept the crib tent from when Calvin was an adventurous toddler.  He climbed out much earlier and the crib tent saved my mommy-life.  Eli is now bound to his bed. :)  He seems to like it.  He giggles when he goes to bed now.

I keep thinking I should go to the most recent post about Eli and add to the words he is saying now but the time frame wouldn't be accurate.  He started saying, "oh wow" and "caca!" for his truck.  I'm not sure how that happened. But when I got him out of bed this morning he was yelling "caca!" and only wanted a little tan truck he likes to play with.

He constantly says "mom! mom! mom!" and it reminds me of this!

Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Eli - first time eating with spoon

This may be a common theme in my writings with the kids when they get to this stage.  I don't really like it.  Feeding themselves with a spoon...ugh...the feelings make me cringe.  Food spilled, oatmeal in crevices I never knew about.  But it has to happen.  Sure, he's been "feeding himself" with finger foods like noodles and raisins for awhile now, but using utensils, that's a new thing.  I let him eat banana chunks I put on a fork for him a few days ago which he liked, but he didn't poke them himself - I'll work on that part later.  Spoon for now!

Last night I made peas and macaroni and cheese for the kids.  I put a bowl in front of him and let him hold a spoon.  I put a bib on him (he never wears bibs..not sure why...the other kids all wore them until they were 3.  I guess I never bother with it anymore).  I let him scoop a bite of noodles with my assistance directing which way to scoop and which way to put it his mouth.  He then tried on his own.  Scooped like a pro, got it his mouth like I showed him, and he went on to take a few more bites until almost all the noodles were gone.  I guess I underestimated my little guy.  Violet said, "Well mom! That sure makes YOUR life easier!" haa!

Vanessa's double vision

Vanessa has done this twice in the last few days.  It is so funny to me.

She presses her face close to mine and says in a quiet and raspy voice, "You have three eyes."  then she presses closer so our noses our touching, and says "You have one eye."  Then giggles because I laugh.

She did this on Sunday morning during church and again today during the day.  I know she's seeing double vision, for some reason this makes me laugh.