Friday, April 05, 2013

Eli - 10 months old

He's continuing to grow in his interactions with the rest of the family.  He gets very excited when he sees me by flapping his arms all over the place and squeals.  He has 4 teeth on top now, still 2 on the bottom.  He is crawling really fast, pulling up on everything, and "cruising" around things, not walking yet or standing on his own.  He always makes a beeline to the bathroom to stand up on the toilet and notices if the dishwasher door is open (makes as beeline for that too) and likes crawling to the open basement door (working on the kids to keep that shut) to see what's going on down there (since all the toys moved to the basement).  He doesn't crawl up stairs yet but I'm sure that will happen soon!

1 comment:

  1. The kiddos are learning and growing at different stages of development each in a unique way...what a variety of fun!
