Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Dave got creative...

Dave gets props for creativity this morning! Calvin stuck a toy plastic coin between two piano keys pretty deep. Dave un-bent a paperclip, heated the skinny metal tip with a lighter, stuck it in the plastic coin and waited for it to cool off and attach to the tip, and pulled it out.  I was very impressed.

I know I'm way backed up on blogging things...will get to it some day when I have "nothing" to do. :D

Friday, April 26, 2013

Cardboard slide

These are the cardboard pieces that were the boxes that our 3 canvases arrived in (for our bedroom).  I taped them all together and made a cardboard slide on the steps for the kids, and it was a hit.  It got destroyed and I had to tear it down the same day, but it provided hours of fun.  I piled tons of pillows and blankets at the bottom of the slide.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Dave's 37th birthday party

We celebrated on the Saturday before his birthday (4-20) because he had travel plans the week following, which was his actual birthday (4-22).  The kids enjoyed helping me make the cake, decorate with blue/yellow balloons (which were Calvin's last-minute idea to buy when we made a run to Hy-Vee for cake ingredients).  Dave used a blow-torch to light the candles on the cake.  Yeah, he really did.  Violet scooped the ice cream, and we took a family pic, which turned out great! We gave him a yellow shirt and some kit kat bars.  The card we got him sang "happy birthday to you!" and quickly became Vanessa's favorite toy.

the LaMarche six!

I have no clue what was so funny but Violet was giggling about something

Had to share this perplexed photo of Vanessa.

Sunday, April 07, 2013

Calvin up on the bike

Calvin is out for a second ride...

"You were right ... Two wheels is too way fun!"
"It is a thousand fun!"
"I can feel the balance!"
"My favorite biking is turning!"
"Woohoo!  I am like Mater driving through town!"
"Feels so soft and quiet!"

Saturday, April 06, 2013

Calvin learned how to ride his bike with no training wheels today

I didn't really plan on this activity happening.  Today was a typical Saturday - wake up, breakfast, hang out, play around, decide what errands to run, get some house stuff at Menards, buy milk for coffee nook, try relax, etc.

Violet and Calvin were enjoying the high temp of 60 today walking to and from the van going various places and Violet begged to go on a bike ride later in the day.  I didn't get a chance to take her until after supper.  Calvin really wanted to go too.  Dave stayed back with Vanessa and Eli.  Ok, so an idea popped into my head.  Maybe Calvin can learn to ride his bike today!

I noticed how low Calvin's bike seat looked so Dave raised it a bit higher - and raised Violet's at the same time.
I packed a backpack with some tools to take along with me so we could utilize the parking lot north of OHCP - thinking I'd try encourage Calvin to rid himself of his training wheels.  I mentioned the idea to Calvin before taking off, and Violet was totally on board - getting out the elbow and knee pads and getting him outfitted.

Calvin's attitude immediately changed.  He seemed nervous and started to get a little grumpy.  He told me he was scared and that if he tried riding with no training wheels I HAD to hold on so he wouldn't fall.  I promised him I would.

So we rode right to the parking lot north of OHCP and I took the training wheels off.  We left around 5:30 pm.  The moment we arrived in the parking lot, it started down-pouring rain.  I wondered how the kids would react, and was surprised when I saw delight on their faces.  Calvin thought it was magic.  And he said, "So THAT'S how rain starts!" He seemed to enjoy the "on-coming" of the rain.  Then as quick as it started, it stopped.  I think we got rained on for literally 60 seconds.  Violet then exclaimed, "JESUS ANSWERED MY PRAYER!! As soon as it started raining, I said 'Dear Jesus, please help it stop raining so Calvin can learn to ride his bike.' and then it STOPPED! This is the best day ever because Jesus answered my prayer!" Calvin was amazed.  He said to her later on in the evening "Violet, can you please ask Jesus to make it rain again?  I like the rain."  So she prayed for the rain to come again, and maybe 10 minutes later, a light mist came down from the sky.  Pretty cool. 

So when we started out, it took some convincing for him to get up on his bike and let me hold on while he pedaled.  Calvin is a very sensitive child who can get easily discouraged and cry out of frustration easily.  I wasn't so sure how it would work out but I think I have a pretty good approach with him and learning.  Baby steps that are achievable.  I know he gains confidence quickly if he realizes what he can do.  I took it pretty easy and told him I'd just push him for a little bit and he would steer.  He was OK with that.  So I held onto the back of his seat and the handle bars and pushed him while he pedaled.  He seemed annoyed that I was holding the handle bars because he wanted to steer, so I just held onto the back of his seat.  He seemed better with that.  His pedaling went faster and I could tell he was "getting the feel for it" by compensating for his tipping side to side.  We kept up with that movement for many passes across the length of the parking lot.  He wanted help getting going, I held onto his seat, he pedaled and steered, and I helped him stop.  We practiced stopping a lot.  He needed to learn to put his feet down on each side of the bike to balance because in the past, his training wheels did that for him.  He kept wanting to take breaks.  And he would cry if the bike tipped too far from one side to the other and scared him.  I never let him fall though.  My back was starting to really hurt holding onto his low seat and running so fast along with him.  So we took a break and sat down for awhile.  Then we took a few more passes.  I could tell he was doing really well so as I ran next to him I let go for a few seconds and Violet noticed.  When he stopped, Violet belted out, "Calvin!  Mom LET GO and you were riding alone!" and he got a big excited expression on his face.  He asked me to show him how I was hanging on and I showed him how I curled my fingers under his bike seat and then took my hand off for a few seconds and put them back on.  This seemed to give him more confidence to keep trying, so we took a few more passes, and I kept letting go for longer, always helping him start and stop. 

Meanwhile, Violet was just riding her bike around trying to entertain herself.  She was being ignored and I think she knew it.  She had started to feel cold and sat down on the curb and curled up.  So I got her involved with doing some moves to help him learn how to start and stop on his own.  I told her to walk with her feet to get some momentum with her bike moving forward then switch her feet quickly to her pedals to start moving faster.  She did it and he seemed to think it was easy enough.  He wanted to try that on his own, so I let him, and after his first unsuccessful try, he immediately he started crying.  He got frustrated that the bike handles seemed to tip to the side quickly when he would switch his feet from tip toeing along the ground to gain speed and switching to the pedals.  We took another break.  I gave him a hug and told him he was doing great.  He seemed pretty bummed.  I then broke out the bribery ~ and told him that if he learned to start on his own, ride across the parking lot, and stop on his own, I'd give him a prize.  I was thinking fast and wanted to provide some motivation he would REALLY be excited about.  I said he could choose his own candy bar, gum and pop.  I know, I know...sugar sugar sugar.  But Calvin's love language is chocolate. :)  So his eyes lit up pretty brightly and he wanted to try again. 

So I explained that to start up, he needed more power in the pedals and get his feet to his pedals quicker.  He decided to try again.  He gained momentum, got his feet up on the pedals, pushed harder, and kept on riding.  I ran along side him.  His first success gave him a big boost of confidence, and once he was starting on his own, he did it by himself every time.

So the next challenge was helping him stop.  I told him to remember when he slowed down, to put his feet down on each side of his bike to help him balance because the training wheels weren't there to hold his bike up.  He seemed to get this right away.  I could tell he was getting excited. He said, "do I get my prize yet?" and I said "If you move your bike to the end of the parking lot, start on your own, ride your bike to the end, and then stop all by yourself, then YES, we'll go get your prize."  He was all over that.  He went for it, and with absolutely no issues, started up, went to the end, and stopped.  Violet was happy to see him do well.  He was happy, and rode his bike back to me.  It was super weird for me to see him take off on his own with out running next to him. 

Dave called to see how things were going, so I told him he should drive down to the parking lot with Vanessa and Eli so he could see.  Calvin was really excited to show daddy.  Dave came with the camera a few minutes later (we only live 4 blocks away) in the van.  Calvin performed expertly, and was beaming when Dave watched him.

So Dave taught Violet to ride her bike and I got Calvin going.  What a super fun parent/child bonding moment!  I loved every minute seeing him make progress and watching him take his first ride off away from me all by himself.  Calvin wanted a ride home in the van, so Violet and I took off on our bikes with the hopes of beating the van home.  We pulled into the driveway as Dave pulled in, but we still went in first.  She loves races!

We drove to the gas station nearby and Calvin picked out some strawberry gum, a hershey's chocolate bar, and a Sprite.  I got Violet a "big sister" prize for being a tolerant witness and good helper ~ she got a blowpop.

Calvin is so sweet.  He immediately offered pieces of gum to everyone in the car, gave Violet sips of his Sprite, and when we got home, he broke up his chocolate bar and gave everybody pieces.  Loved seeing him share on his own too.

Calvin's quote before going to sleep tonight:

"I had the BEST day up on two wheels."

Violet said, "Mom, you got some exercise today huh!?"  Yes, my legs and back are aching!

Friday, April 05, 2013

Eli - 10 months old

He's continuing to grow in his interactions with the rest of the family.  He gets very excited when he sees me by flapping his arms all over the place and squeals.  He has 4 teeth on top now, still 2 on the bottom.  He is crawling really fast, pulling up on everything, and "cruising" around things, not walking yet or standing on his own.  He always makes a beeline to the bathroom to stand up on the toilet and notices if the dishwasher door is open (makes as beeline for that too) and likes crawling to the open basement door (working on the kids to keep that shut) to see what's going on down there (since all the toys moved to the basement).  He doesn't crawl up stairs yet but I'm sure that will happen soon!

Thursday, April 04, 2013

First outside spring activity

Tic tac toe with sticks and rocks!

Tuesday, April 02, 2013

Violet lost her first tooth

The tooth came out today!  She said when I dropped her off at school, she went to her classroom, wiggled it a little, and it fell out in her hand.  She was so excited! I had given her a plastic baggie in her backpack a few days ago in case it fell out when she wasn't home so she happily told her teacher and put it in her plastic bag.  When I picked her up from school it was the first thing she told me. :)

Pics to follow...probably tomorrow.

Monday, April 01, 2013

Calvin - "flip dip" and "schnookamadoo"

I've had this scrap of paper in my purse for a few weeks with a couple things I meant to write in the blog.  I'm just now getting to it, and even though its super short, it makes me laugh, and is so "Calvin" I had to record it.

He said this in the car while riding to go pick up Violet:

"I can do awesome tricks.  My awesome-est trick is called the flip dip.  When I get tired of it I drink water and move and move and move until I can do the flip dip again." 

And the funny words lately that make him laugh are "Wa-bang!" and "Schnookamadoo!"  He refers to Eli and Vanessa as little "schnookamadoos".