Sunday, March 03, 2013

Eli - 9 months old

I read through the review of Eli when he was 8 months old.  Not much has changed, other than his top two teeth coming in (one has poked through the gums, the other is about to).  He had a bad cold and was wheezing a lot.  It took 4-5 days to get through that.  He had his first bad diaper rash (who knows why...teething and drooly maybe?).  And he is more vocal now!  Saying "ba ba ba!" and "ha ha ha".  I think he imitates laughing.  He yells when he sees food now and gets excited by flapping and smacking his arms down. 
Still loves his pacis, blankies, and mommy. 

Adding to this post about his 9 month baby check up.  I took him in on Tuesday the 12th of March for his normal well baby doctor check up.  He weighed in at 21 lbs 13 oz, 29 1/4" long and 18 1/2" head circumference.  Violet at this age was 21 lbs 6 oz and 31" long (for comparison's sake, for fun).  He's a hunk to hold!  The doctor noticed some what looked like infected fluid his ears but saw no redness so wasn't sure if it was the beginning or end of an ear infection.  A few days have passed and he seems happier so maybe its cleared up by now. 

We also had his pics taken at Portrait Innovations and they turned out super cute.  I will post some if I remember later.

1 comment:

  1. There is so much publicity on child hood obesity...and sadly it is all true! Seeing "normal" kids is rare and if they're active it's such a joy. One of the joys of youth is the vigor and energy to DO and jump and climb and explore with a body that go go goes.
    Thankfully, your kiddos don't have that problem!
    However developing a taste for healthy food is hard to regain if a child grows up used to salty or sweet or overly fatty keep his diet as pure as possible. So cute that he gets excited when food is ready! We all love to eat but gotta keep everything in balance, which you do, as your next post is packed with fun activity.
    It's really great that your kids like the nutty sweet taste of natural oatmeal just as it is...I'm the culprit for adding things that they don't need!
    Mom / Grandma going on #6
