Saturday, August 23, 2008


Calvin is such a crazy man. He LOVES the bath tub. His little arms just won't stop splashing! Its SO cute! He is crazy, I said it before and I'll say it again! He crawls all over Violet, falls in the water and pushes right up like nothing happened. He doesn't react to water on his face either. Violet gets slightly inspired by it too, lol! She dumps water on his head with the cup and says "mama, he didn't even cry!" and I think that makes her not want to cry either when I shampoo and rinse her hair out. She hates water in her eyes. She'll whine and say "eyes! eyes! eyes!" and want a towel right away. Violet has a strange fear of lions. She doesn't like to go downstairs in this rental house because it freaks her out. If she goes into her room, she shuts the door so she stays away from the lions. I don't really know where that all came from. Dave said she freaks out if she's downstairs and hears the floors squeaking from somebody walking on them. She "read" a couple books tonight. Goodnight Gorilla and Guess How Much I Love You. She narrates the books as best as she can, saying "he let the lion out of his cage....everybody's going to bed....its dark!....*yawns* like the lady in bed...and then everybody is going to bed". The movie Madagascar was on TV tonight, and she was glued. She watched the lion on it and kept wondering where it went if it wasn't on the screen.

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