Wednesday, August 27, 2008


I took Violet and Calvin with me to Sam's Club and Fareway today. Violet was so excited to be my big helper. She enjoyed sitting in the shopping cart next to Calvin at Sam's. There they have those large carts with spots for 2 kids. Calvin was a pretty good guy the whole time. I had quite a list of things to get from each place, so I asked Violet if she could help me find each thing. First it was chicken, then it was cheese, then it was milk, then it was kleenex, then it was wipes, etc. She got down from the cart to walk with me a few times and was running everywhere she could go. She helped put the milk in the cart....straining to hold it because the gallon was so heavy. Our next trip was at Fareway, and most of the time she sat in the grocery cart section where all the groceries go since Calvin had the seat up front. He just wanted to grab my grocery list out of my hand the whole trip.

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Calvin is such a crazy man. He LOVES the bath tub. His little arms just won't stop splashing! Its SO cute! He is crazy, I said it before and I'll say it again! He crawls all over Violet, falls in the water and pushes right up like nothing happened. He doesn't react to water on his face either. Violet gets slightly inspired by it too, lol! She dumps water on his head with the cup and says "mama, he didn't even cry!" and I think that makes her not want to cry either when I shampoo and rinse her hair out. She hates water in her eyes. She'll whine and say "eyes! eyes! eyes!" and want a towel right away. Violet has a strange fear of lions. She doesn't like to go downstairs in this rental house because it freaks her out. If she goes into her room, she shuts the door so she stays away from the lions. I don't really know where that all came from. Dave said she freaks out if she's downstairs and hears the floors squeaking from somebody walking on them. She "read" a couple books tonight. Goodnight Gorilla and Guess How Much I Love You. She narrates the books as best as she can, saying "he let the lion out of his cage....everybody's going to bed....its dark!....*yawns* like the lady in bed...and then everybody is going to bed". The movie Madagascar was on TV tonight, and she was glued. She watched the lion on it and kept wondering where it went if it wasn't on the screen.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

she was watching the Olympics tonight

The event was synchro diving. She was excitedly watching the divers dive into the water. She was jumping around the house saying "I wanna go swimming! Where is my swim suit? I want to go diving. I will use my hands, and my butt, and my hands, and go into the water..." lol! Dave watched the kids for awhile when I went to take a meal to Suzanne after Leo's birth. When I got back, Calvin was upset but when he saw me, he said "mama!" Awww!

Friday, August 08, 2008

her reaction to no

If I tell her no to something, lately she has been tearing off into the other room and throwing herself on the floor. It is totally attention seeking behavior because she huffs really loudly and throws herself on the floor even harder if I don't pay an ounce of attention to her. I've been bathing Violet and Calvin together lately. Calvin LOVES it so much. He is so brave. He sits up in the water and splashes the water. He crawls in the water, stands up against the egde of the tub. The kid is fearless. He always laughs really hard when Violet jumps in the water catching him by surprise. Bath time with Violet lately is such an annoying chore. She FREAKS OUT if water gets in her eyes and demands a towel all the time.

Monday, August 04, 2008


Today Violet randomly tore into the kitchen full speed and halted right infront of me. She said "Whew! It was the dinosaur!" and I said "where? where is the dinosaur?" she pointed to the basement and said "right there". So tonight she was terrified to go downstairs to her bedroom because she was convinced there was a lion down there. She made me leave her bedroom door open just in case.

Saturday, August 02, 2008

the kiddos

Violet is 36 1/2" tall and weighs 32 lbs! Calvin is enjoying lots of baby food, cheerios, crackers, some bites of noodles, fresh ripe nectarines, and can take drinks out of a sippy cup. He is pulling up to stand on everything!! Barb Anderson calls him "the bionic baby" because he's SO mobile and capable for his age. Violet is a full conversationalist lately. She uses full sentences and uses more words than I thought she knew! She noticed a pair of pants I wore today that have bright colored flowers on them. She said "oh pretty!" and rubbed them. She's taking herself to the potty lately. Its kindof nice. Although she needs help wiping.