Monday, February 26, 2007

I think we're making progress

Ok, I think I've got more of a feel for this napping thing. My last post was more of a vent. I talked to a friend of mine yesterday whose daughter is a few months older than Violet. She said that when she moved from 2 naps to 1 a day, she made it around 1 pm but initially struggled to get that far in the day like I was having trouble with. I tried but Violet couldn't seem to make it that far after waking up so early...around 7 am. So, when she gets tired and whiney at 10 am, I make her a snack, sit down, and read some books or involve her 1 on 1, keep her engaged, and get through the melting down stage. She seems to do pretty good, then before you know it, its noon, so that means lunchtime, then I brush her teeth and then put her down for a nap. I've done that for the last 2 days and its working great! She slept at 1 pm two days ago until 3 pm, then today she went down at 12:40 pm and slept until 2:30 ish. That gives me a 2 hr time window during Violet's nap! I hope we can keep this up. She goes to bed around 8:00...that is a good time. About nursing, we're doing good. I've gotten her down to nursing just once in the morning when she wakes up, then once again later on in the evening sometime before she goes to bed. She is really into food, which is great. She will eat a big bowl of oatmeal and 1/2 a banana (maybe a whole one!) for breakfast, then have some cheese for a snack, then eat some chicken/potato/veggie "thoup" that I made her (she loves it!), then maybe a few crackers, drink some milk, then eat whatever I have for dinner along with me...maybe a burrito, some white beans, or fruit. Lots o' poo in one day for a little squirt! I plan on keeping the 2 times a day nursing until she wants to stop. I'm going to miss it a lot!

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