Sunday, June 23, 2024

Michigan 2024 - June 21-29

This year it's just our family, plus Violet's boyfriend, Drew, and Ted and Cindy are also here. I think this is our 11th time up here. Ted and Cindy brought their camper and are staying the entire week we are. 

We left on Friday, June 21st, after we both wrapped up a few things at the office. Our plan was to pick up the rental van at noon, but we didn't get it home till 2:00 and we didn't leave till about 4:00. We packed in a rush and now that we're here, we realize we forgot a few things. Somehow Dave's fishing pole didn't make it into the van. I also forgot coffee filters. All the important things, I know, it's weird. 

We made it to Green Bay Friday night. Saturday morning after breakfast at the hotel we made our way up to the cabin but made it quite a few stops along the way. A lot of them are favorites and tradition so we went with it. First was starbucks, then Cabela's, then Zinger's coffee, then Seguin's cheese, then Walmart to get groceries. 
I split up the shopping list and created teams to shop and we were in and out of there in one hour. Somehow we filled four shopping carts though. 😂
The first night at the cabin was cold and rainy.  We grilled burgers hot dogs had watermelon and chips and Ted and Cindy brought birthday cake to celebrate everyone's birthday is all at once.
We stayed up too late playing games. Wavelength is hilarious.
Saturday morning turned out to be sunny, which was a welcome surprise. Drove to escanaba to go to Wellspring Community Church which is the church that Ted and Cindy normally go to. Even though I was very sleepy and slept in the car on the way there and back, I'm glad we went. It was a fantastic time to be with other Christians and to hear and gospel message that was solid.
We stopped at Dunham's to pick up another fishing pole or two. Then we stopped at another place called blades to get reel put on the lines for the new poles. The theme of our travel is always stopping haha.
We had leftovers for lunch and spent the majority of our day Sunday just hanging out in the beautiful sun, swimming, fishing, and talking. The kids are content to just hang out and do whatever and like being together.  So far we've only caught three fish and Drew caught both of them. Violet got the other little ones.
Drew and Violet made beef taco boats for dinner for everyone. They were delicious!!

Monday -
Pontoon day!
We spent 11-4 on the pontoon. Going around the chain of lakes, swimming, floating, ripping down trees, playing with quick sand, eating, getting sunburns, playing volleyball.
Later we fished. I caught a smallish bass and threw it back and caught another 15 inch bass and kept it.
V & D made a delicious chicken and shrimp pasta dish. 
Today we all slept in till 10:00 a.m. 
A storm rolled through around 4:00 a.m. which kept me up for a while but it was nice to know everyone got good sleep. 
This morning we made creamed eggs on toast. This is a cheesy sauce with hard boiled eggs, chopped up, served over buttered toast.
The weather forecast is governing our plans. Today was the last day it supposed to be really warm and beautiful. So we made a plan to go to the Miners Castle hike and beach, but when we got close the start of the hiking trail parking area was closed so it drove directly to the beach. We spent about 3 hours there... It was so pretty.
After the beach, We had about an hour until we were going to meet Ted and Cindy for pizza so we checked out a waterfall. Munising Falls is a beautiful one with about a 5-minute walk up some steps. We've gone there many times over the years and it's always fun to see. One of our memories is being there in 2013 and taking a family picture. 
We tried to re-enact the photo which turned out pretty funny.

 We took an actual family photo with Drew and it turned out great.
We met Ted and Cindy for pizza at Main Street Pizza, One of our favorite stops. They have the best cheese pizza that we have found.
card games while we wait!

While we were waiting we saw somebody come in the front door of the pizza restaurant and we did a double take because it's somebody we knew from Cedar Falls. 
Our buddy Dave Wendt said hi to us and I had to take a picture for proof.
 The nine of us demolished almost four pizzas. We drove back to our cabin. Almost everyone went fishing, Calvin and Eli went swimming. We didn't catch anything. 

Ted and Cindy had a fire, and then around 1030 we went inside.
The kids got some extra energy to go swimming at night. I took some convincing to get Eli out there but he went too.

We knew today would be a little cold. That's why we planned all of our outside activities Monday and Tuesday. It is a little chilly around 55° so we don't have great plans at the moment. 
We're hanging out at the cabin and fishing. Dave has to do payroll so he will work on that. 
Violet and Drew woke up at 5:30 to fish and didn't catch anything. They also made pancake bacon, dippers and pancakes for breakfast which were all delicious.

Since it was colder I sat in the sun. 
Lots of afternoon fishing.
The kids all fell asleep sometime in the afternoon.
Our only outing involved sitting on a picnic table attached to a trailer being towed by Ted's side-by-side. 
This was his idea and it was his way of showing us the beautiful forest. We brought along our speaker and listen to some tunes on the way. We got pretty dusty but it was a funny experience. 

Violet and Drew cook their last meal and made us some delicious chicken and rice. One was spicy snd one was not. Both were delicious with rice and the vegetables Cindy brought.
Vanessa ended up catching a 15-in bass on the paddle boa. Everyone rallied to help her get the fish off the hook lol.
 Right about 10:00 when we were about to go in Dave caught this fish. We weren't even sure what it was until we looked it up on Google. It's a black crappie.
The guys went out to swim and played with a glow-in-the-dark balls Cindy got for them.
 Vanessa, Dave and I went to go clean the fish. 
Vanessa did not enjoy this experience. Dave thought she was more fascinated with the experience than actually doing it.

This morning I had planned to make biscuits and sausage gravy.  I ran up to the store around 9am to get more milk and butter and came back to the kitchen to start and I couldn't find the sausage. I eventuality figured out the wrong sausage was purchased at Walmart and I had three pounds of sausage links instead of raw breakfast sausage. No big deal...I cooked scrambled eggs, bacon, chopped the sausage into pieces and set out cheese and tortillas so we had breakfast burritos instead. 
The plan today was to rent a pontoon on Lake Superior and go farther up the Pictured Rocks shoreline than ever before. We packed coolers, made a stop at Subway and filled our bags with lunch, and got on the boat.

We had from 2:30-7 and we used every minute. We rode to see a shipwreck (Bermuda in Murray Bay), then onto the famous shoreline. It did not disappoint!! We went 17.5 miles up and 17.5 miles back - if you look at a map we went up to Spray Falls and back.

The rocks were gorgeous... absolute highlight of the day. 
The weather was perfect too. We thought we'd be colder on lake Superior but it was nice on the shoreline.

We did some souvenir shopping when we were done with the boat.

Ted and Cindy treated us to dinner at Buckhorn. 

We fished from 9-10:30 and got three bass! Other years we've only caught Northern, other years. We've caught both, and other years we've caught nothing.

Violet helped clean her fish and she did not like it one bit.
Friday -
The weather was chilly and rainy. Everyone woke up late...closer to 10 or 10:30. I made blueberry muffins, hash browns with sauteed onions and peppers and sausage pieces along with fried eggs. I think we ate that around noon!
Even though the weather wasn't exactly favorable, the kids still wanted to jet ski and tube. They took turns driving and tubing. It was Eli's first time driving one and he gave Calvin a tube ride!

The rest of the day was chill. We prepped the fish for the fish fry, pulled out all the leftovers we could find.
Ted and Cindy hung out, we tried watching the presidential (Trump/Biden) debate but it was too controversial so we shut it off and watched it later.
Saturday -
Happy birthday to me. 😀yay, I'm 43.

Bagels, chipped beef on toast, cereal...

Pack up! We were supposed to leave by 10am. We got out of the cabin by 10:40...not too bad. Packing was wild and disorganized haha. 

We settled up with George to pay the bill and took off! The journey home included a stop at Wal-Mart to return charcoal, lunch at Culver's, one more souvenir shop, a drive-by to see the house Ted fixed up a few years ago, drive-through to get some local pasties, Starbucks for my birthday reward and bathroom, them we finally left. 

We are currently driving, almost to Dubuque. We plan to stop at the Shot Tower Inn pizza and pasta place for dinner.

1 comment:

  1. Hello this is DAD Jon, I did laugh out loud a couple of times, and the menu choices, I had to imagine how I would fare. Do they grow vegetables in Michigan? Good job writing and sharing your experiences.
