Tuesday, June 29, 2021

Maria's 40th Birthday - Sanibel, Florida

Dave and I had the opportunity to take a trip together, and why not to celebrate my completion of 40 trips around the sun?!  We had a companion airline ticket to use up before it expired, so we decided to take off to Sanibel Island in Florida for a few days.  Thanks to my mom and dad for watching the kids!!

I don't have a day by day journal but these are my pictures!  

our little AirBnB with private access to the beach!

the ONLY alligator we saw was about 2 feet long and swam in a little pond near the Over Easy Cafe

ahhh yes. 

so many shells. wow.

kayaking in the bay!

storm rolling in ...so gorgeous...we saw a water funnel forming

a gopher tortoise crossed our path on the way back from the beach

oh yes. we did it like locals. We went SHELLING

then we needed chips and guac

Sanibel's historic lighthouse

the great Mississippi on the way home!

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