Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Blind bakers date challenge

Rachel and Brian gave us a date book of ideas and the first one we scratched off was a challenge to bake a pie together with of one of us blindfolded and the other with sight giving instructions.  We don't have a lot of time in the evenings so I was blindfolded and made the crust, then Dave was blindfolded the next night and made the filling and we baked it.  It was a fun challenge, and the pie we chose to make was peach pie.  The recipe was soooo yummy and it turned out OK!  Here's the recipe we used:

Aaaand for some pics:

We did not have any decent blindfolds that would stay on my head....the initial tie kept falling, so I tied it back around to the front of my face and wowI didn't realize how goofy I looked!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Beginning of the school year 2019-2020

Violet - 8th grade at Peet Jr High
Calvin - 6th grade, studying the time frame from Christ's resurrection to the Reformation!
Vanessa - 4th grade, studying Creation to now in the major stories
Eli - 2nd grade, studying early American history (pilgrim's journey from England to America, the establishment of the first 13 colonies, and winning the Revolutionary war)

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Stickforts invited us to their Clear Lake condo and SUMMER 2019 CALENDAR

Randy and Doriece Stickfort invited our family to their condo near Clear Lake for a day - they are good friends of ours (Dave officiated their son Nathan's wedding in CO!), and they know we enjoy boating.  We a had a fun exciting day with them!  The water was choppy but warm and everyone enjoyed something behind the boat.  Dave and I skied.  Violet got up skiing and went for close to 2 minutes!  Calvin tried getting up and successfully skied for a few seconds.  Vanessa and Eli only tubed but still had fun.  Here's some pics from our day.  It was a fantastic way to wrap up summer!



Calvin, Eli, Violet, Emersyn (Stickfort's grandchild joined us for the day), and Vanessa

Dave showing the kids how to trap air under a big bucket underwater - they were amazed they could swim down, stick their head into the bucket and breathe! :)

ALSO - this is sorta funny.  Before I toss it, I took a pic of our summer of 2019 calendar.  This helped us a lot!